Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not the only one thinking of nooks and niches

I am not the only one thinking of a cozy niche or a reading nook...

From Coco+Kelly

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Storage and Glee: reading nook

I agree with the writer of Storage and Glee when she shares this nook with her readers

She said "Functional bookshelf/stair combo leads to the perfect red reading nook." Smart solutions to keep books, provide a stair and sits and a perfect reading nook with (most likely) a nice view. Here her original post.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Inspiring apartments: from Raenovate

After creating the tag "Inspiring apartment" for this post here, I realized that that could be a recurring tag. So now I have decided to create a theme and everytime I come across a great looking apartment I will create a post for it within the theme "Inspiring apartments". So after relabeling the previous post, here I continue with a new inspiring apartment ;-)
This time I came across it from Raenovate

I like the great renovation work they have done with this apartment.
I especially like the wooden ceiling frame all throughout the apartment.
Don't you like that too?

You can also click on the image to get to the original post and view more pictures of this inspiring apartment ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

10centdesigner - smart office niche idea

Last week I also came across a smart solution for accommodating a work station within a tiny niche.

I like the sleek result of this renovation work by 10centdesigner. A place full of light and splashes of colors.
Here for you to enjoy. You can also click on the image to get to the original post.

Inspiring apartments: Another touch of purple

Last week I came across another great apartment through DesignToInspire

As another apartment I have posted about, this one has also a nice touch of purple. So calming and relaxing.Don't you agree?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year! And lots of inspiring rooms!

Happy New Year!
Why not starting 2011 with lots of inspiring rooms?!

Here some I found in the last couple of days...

Colorful and shiny room. The natural roller curtains. Most likely, the HEMNES sofa/bed from IKEA, that we have considered as a possible solution for the guest room. It easily expand to a double bed + it has storage space beneath.

I like the practical solutions about this room. Lots of shelves and storage space. With lots of color to cheer things up ;)

Then a DIY (Do It Yourself) project, the transformation of the Billy bookshelves also from IKEA. We have a couple of Billys as well, and I have always thought of doing something with them to spicy them up a bit. Here the final result

Found through Design*Sponge, original project from Sharon Pakir.

About the office. Here an idea I like

where the desk and other storage space are kept together by the continuity of the wooden plate above them all. Through The Marion House Book

And from the same site, a solution for sliding door.

We plan to use sliding door between the living room and the hopefully soon-to-be baby-room/office/guest room. We are still not sure that the wall we want to set the sliding door into is or is not a carrying wall, so we are considering having the doors outside the wall, like those in the picture above. I like the sleek solution to cover the carrying rail.

And for a delight, have a look at this calm, relaxing and amazing apartment found through MadeByGirl

Many sleek solutions, like all the storage space behind this white wall

and the illuminated shelves for a even more dramatic effect of the pieces displayed.
The light and the soften use of the purple color (one of my favorite) throughout the whole apartment.

And even more bright the top floor where you can also find the office corner

Again I love the continuity of the surface of the desk and drawers. And continuity of another white storage wall in the bedroom

Just so lovely, with the nook for sitting and reading

More here. Just lovely!

And if you are not tired yet. Here two more things.

One from ApartmentTherapy, ideas about beautiful organized homes

And this one AtCasa, a bright white apartment full of sleek and smart solutions

What a great way to start the year!